Tips For Getting Out The Door With Newborn Twins

Tips For Getting Out The Door With Newborn Twins

Having twins makes the task twice as hard. There will be times that you want to just go back inside and forget that you ever wanted to leave the house. And there will also be times that it all comes together perfectly and you will think you are a superhero. Here are a few tips that I have found have helped us get out of the house in the least amount of time possible.

Leave after a feed

One tip that has worked well in the past is organising your outings after a feed. By having filled up and hopefully sleepy babies it can help to get them out of the house and into the car without too much fuss. The getting into the car seats can be a difficult task, especially if they have mastered the art of planking. If you are leaving directly after a change and a feed then they are likely to be tired and ready for a nap. Making the transition into the car seat or capsule easier on all of you.

Have a nappy bag ready

How many times have you put everyone in the car to realise you forgot the nappy bag? Or put the bag in and then realised your missing something out of it. Being organised with twins is a must. So it is a good idea to always have the nappy bag stocked and ready at the door. Items such as nappies, milk bootle, dummy, bibs, spare bodysuits and cotton wraps are essential. When you get home from a trip out, replace anything that you used from the bag straight away so that you do not forget. This way you are not caught out when trying to get out of the house and checking if you have enough stuff with you in the bag.

Put everything else in first

If you are leaving the house for 15 minutes or spending a few hours out – there will always be something that you need to take with you. Packing the car before putting the babies in means that they are not going to be sitting there in the car waiting and getting frustrated.

Get your nappy bag, handbag, pram and anything else you need to take with you in the car first. By having it all in there ready to go it means that you can then just grab the babies and put them in and head straight off. Many babies hate getting put in the car but once the car is moving they settle down, so the less time they are stationary the better.

Have back up supplies in the car

There will be times when you rush out of the house only to realise when you get to your destination that you forgot the nappy bag or didn’t replace the wipes in it. It is a good idea to have a few back up, emergency things in the car at all times. A spare outfit for each baby, wipes and nappies stored away in the boot means that you will never be left without. Just remember to replace the nappies when they move up a size. It will be too much added stress trying to get a newborn nappy on a 6 month old who has had an explosion.

Take it easy on yourself

And most importantly, take it easy on yourself. It is not a race or a competition. A process that works one day, may not work the next. Just take it one step at a time and focus on that before moving on to the next one. If your babies are screaming and don’t want to get in the car, don’t stress out. Give them a cuddle and then try again.

Leaving the house on your own with multiple babies is an achievement in itself, so even if it takes 20 minutes to get out of the driveway, celebrate that you got it done.

Leaving the house even just to go to the shops can be stressful. One step at a time. Slow and steady can win the race.

Passionate about all things multiple, Naomi is the founder of Twinfo and a twin mum herself. Twinfo is an online community for multiple birth parents.  It is also a directory of services and products that truly meet the needs of multiple birth families. To find out more about Twinfo.

By Naomi Dorland

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